Ambassador Committee
Comprised of Chamber Ambassadors, this committee researches new member services and programs and makes appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. It also discusses and reviews ways in which to increase and enhance Chamber membership, and other events aimed at recruitment and retention of members. As per the HACC Bylaws, this committee shall be comprised of at least one (1) Board of Directors and two (2) additional Chamber members.
Ambassadors welcome new Chamber members, act as hots and hostesses at key Chamber events and facilitate interaction at all Chamber functions. The Chamber Ambassadors assist the members with fully realizing the benefits of Chamber membership. Ambassadors are the link between the Chamber and its members.
Plan and implement special membership drives
Contact new businesses in the area to welcome and introduce them to the Chamber. Contact members at their anniversary dates
Attend Grand Openings, Ground Breakings, and other events when possible
Analyze member and non-member trends and monitors member satisfaction
Development of effective acquisition and retention programs designed to educate local businesses about the programs and services available
Events Committee
Create innovative events and activities which engage Chamber members and the community.
Plan, implement, and secure sponsorship for Business After Hours, Lunch n’ Learn workshops, and other networking events. Coordinate with the Education Committee to provide guest speakers when needed.
- Create an annual schedule of events
- Create a sponsorship guide for events
- Host New Member Reception yearly, to education members how to make the most of the membership
Government/Legislative Affairs Committee
To educate and inform membership on issues and legislation affecting business, the community, and economic development in the region; and works proactively to improve the business climate.
Acts as a conduit for bringing concerns of the small business owners to the Board of Directors for appropriate action. When necessary, organize and carry out candidate forums, legislative forum, issue forums, and other special events.
Promote relations between local and state Legislators and the Chamber
- Act as a bridge between business and city government. Committee meets yearly with the Helotes Mayor and other officials to address special needs or as they become apparent.